Sunday, 02 February 2025
News with tag Pocket Gamer  RSS
Did going free to play actually make Spymaster more fun?

Added: 06.10.2014 17:00 | 10 views | 0 comments

Did going free to play actually make Spymaster more fun? Free to play continues to be a divisive issue in the world of mobile gaming. It's either the saviour of the industry, or the death-knell of gaming itself. The business model of greedy money-grubbers, or the best way to open your game to a wide audience. At Pocket Gamer we proudly sit on the fence. Many free to play games grind our gears, but we've found plenty that we enjoy whole-heartedly l...


PG's top moments of the week - Millions of new games...

Added: 05.10.2014 0:00 | 15 views | 0 comments

PG's top moments of the week - Millions of new games... Every week, Pocket Gamer provides a weekly digest of the most important and popular stories from these digital pages. It has been a bumper week for new mobile games. There was card-based roguelike Card Dungeon (iOS) the sadly disappointing Beatbuddy HD (iOS), twin-stick maze game Inferno 2 (iOS), and board game Galaxy Trucker (iPad). And there was Kickstarted Viking adventure The Banner S...


Disney blows up Tiny Death Star to focus on Clash of Clans knock-off Star Wars Commander

Added: 03.10.2014 20:23 | 17 views | 0 comments

Disney blows up Tiny Death Star to focus on Clash of Clans knock-off Star Wars Commander Disney has removed Tiny Death Star and Star Wars Assault Team from both the App Store and Google Play, after the free to play games were available for just 11 and five months, respectively. A source close to the subject has told Pocket Gamer that the games have been removed permanently so that Disney and Lucasfilm can focus on other, higher priority titles (like the recently launched Clash ...


The 3 best iPhone and iPad games this week - Pokemon Trading Card Game Online, Adventure Xpress, and more

Added: 03.10.2014 18:50 | 14 views | 0 comments

The 3 best iPhone and iPad games this week - Pokemon Trading Card Game Online, Adventure Xpress, and more Every Friday, Pocket Gamer offers hands-on impressions of the week's three best new iPhone and iPad games. Galaxy Trucker By Czech Games Edition - buy on iPad (£2.99 / $ 4.99) Galaxy Trucker is a sort of multiplayer boardgame version of FTL. First you have to race your opponent to assemble a ship from the same stack of face-down cards, trying to work out which bits should go where and d...


The 3 best iPhone and iPad games this week - Pokemon Trading Card Game Online, Adventure Xpress, and more

Added: 03.10.2014 18:50 | 9 views | 0 comments

The 3 best iPhone and iPad games this week - Pokemon Trading Card Game Online, Adventure Xpress, and more Every Friday, Pocket Gamer offers hands-on impressions of the week's three best new iPhone and iPad games. Galaxy Trucker By Czech Games Edition - buy on iPad (£2.99 / $ 4.99) Galaxy Trucker is a sort of multiplayer boardgame version of FTL. First you have to race your opponent to assemble a ship from the same stack of face-down cards, trying to work out which bits should go where and d...


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